
Transportation to Thessaloniki is not included in the ticket price. Thessaloniki has flights from most international airports.


Accommodation during the pilgrimage is included - the first night the 18th Oct in Thessaloniki, the second on the 19th in Ouranopolis, then the rest at monasteries on the peninsula. A share of your participant fee will be given to monasteries as a donation to cover their expenses.


Friday 18th October

We will meet at a rented apartment in Thessaloniki at 5pm for check-in and a a briefing. We will then spend the evening getting dinner and visiting the Cathdral of St Demitrios.

Saturday 19th

Visit the Church of St Gregory Palmas, then departure from Thessaloniki by rental car visit to Holy Monastery of Saint John the Theologian at Souroti, resting place of the relics of St Paisios The Athonite. Then overnight in Ouranopolis.

Sunday 20th - Thursday 24th

Entry into Mount Athos by ferry, hiking , staying at monasteries, participation in daily life and working with monks. Detailed program to be made available later. Departure by ferry on Thursday the 24th, travel by rental car back to Thessaloniki and overnight at Airbnb

Friday 25th

Shared breakfast and farewells before departure at 11am.

Meals and drinks

What’s included?

Athos Pilgrimage is about enabling you to experience Mount Athos. We will take care of the basics. So your participant fee includes the following.